Week beginning 24th June

 Week beginning 24th June 

What a lovely week we have had! Albeit a bit too hot at times, but we are much happier when the sun is shining!!

This week we have been: 

  • In Phonics we been reading words that end 'ed' and how we pronounce this as either 'id' 't' or 'd'
  • In Phonics we have been reading the words in our head rather than blending them out loud 
  • Tricky words in Phonics have been: said like have so do
  • Nursery Listening time: focusing on the end sounds in words, such as ng, ch, nk, practicing taught sounds, nursery rhymes and whats in the box.
  • Reception- In Maths been continuing to look at the part part whole model and practicing one more and one less than a number 
  • Nursery - In Maths we have been looking building numbers up to 5 
  • Reception - In Drawing Club we read 'Hansel and Gretal' and from this we have drawn the witch and the sweet house, we are continuing with this next week.
  • In our Mantle sessions this week, we have been given a new problem by a Mummy who is worried that the witch is going to eat her children (Hansel and Gretal), the children have made some wanted posters to find the witch, and have drawn maps of the woods to try and find her.
  • In PE we have been practicing for Sports Day.

Reception: how you can help at home: 

  • practice making equal groups - e.g. sharing toys with teddies, sharing pasta into bowls
  • making double up to 5 - use toys or pasta to show this 
  • practice drawing shapes, counting how many sides and points they have
  • writing sentences, including capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
  • reading with your child 
  • practicing the words your child does at school each week

Nursery: how you can help at home: 
  • practicing letter formation and holding the pencil/pen correctly.
  • writing their name, not too big and only a capital letter for the first letter.
  • sounding words out so they oral blend them. e.g. 'c a t' - they say 'cat' or 'b a t' - they say bat  or touch you 'h e d' touch your 'l e g' touch your 'l i p' 
  • allowing your child to change themselves in the morning/for bed

  • Water bottles everyday
  • Please practice reading and works weekly with your child

Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine :)

Miss Lewis 


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