Week beginning 8th July
Week beginning 11th July
This will be the last blog for this year, I hope you have found it useful! Mrs Simpson also has a blog that she uses in Class 2 so all is not lost!
I just want to say how grateful I am to have taught your lovely children this year. They are all amazing and I know they will love their new class/new teachers! It has been an absolute privilege to watch them develop into confident and resilient learners and I will miss them dearly.
This week we have been:
- In Phonics we been recapping lots of the words we have read this term and have been writing sentences with them in.
- Tricky words in Phonics have been: recapping all of them!
- Nursery Listening time: focusing on the end sounds in words, such as ng, ch, nk, practicing taught sounds, nursery rhymes and whats in the box and oral blending words.
- Reception- In Maths we have been consolidating, recapping number bonds, patterns, doubles, odd and even numbers.
- Nursery - In Maths we have been comparing numbers, comparing shape patterns and what comes after a number
- Reception - In Drawing Club we read 'Hansel and Gretal' and from this we have drawn a potion in a cauldron and a new spider for the witch to buy.
- In our Mantle sessions we made a healthy snack for the witch to convince her to eat food rather than children!
- In PE we have been practicing for Sports Day.
- Making cookies for the day Nursery who visited us on Friday
Reception: how you can you child ready for class 2:
- practicing adding numbers together up to 10 and then up to 20
- making doubles up to 5 - use toys or pasta to show this
- reading with your child
- practicing the words your child does at school each week and asking them to write sentences with these in
- focusing on independence - e.g. getting themselves changed, getting them to complete jobs e.g. putting their own toys away, asking them to pour their own cereal into a bowl etc.
Nursery: how you can help your child to be ready for Reception:
- writing their name - making sure they are holding the pencil/pen correctly.
- sounding words out so they oral blend them. e.g. 'c a t' - they say 'cat' or 'b a t' - they say bat or touch you 'h e d' touch your 'l e g' touch your 'l i p'
- allowing your child to change themselves in the morning/for bed
- counting out objects and adding objects together
- seeing what letters you see when out and about (on signs/in the supermarket etc)
- Water bottles everyday
- There will be no reading books sent home - if you have any school ones at home please bring them in
- Children to come to school in their PE kit next Wednesday
- Sports Day is on Wednesday 17th @ 1:30pm - we will be putting some toys/books out on a table that we no longer need, please feel free to take!
- The children will be bringing their folders/books home to keep
Have a lovely Summer and I will see you all next June (or if I am feeling brave I might try and make a Christmas performance) :)
Miss Lewis
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