Week beginning 17th June

 Week beginning 17th June 

We have had a lovely week in Class 1, and have loved the sunshine! The children have been busy with their learning. 

This week we have been: 

  • In Phonics we been reading words that end in 'es' and that we pronounce this as 'iz' 
  • In Phonics we have been reading the words in our head rather than blending them out loud 
  • Tricky words in Phonics have been: put pull push full my by come some like love do
  • Nursery Listening time: blend from the box, new sounds 'x y z', recapping taught sounds, hearing the end sounds in words, singing nursery rhymes and shared lots of stories. 
  • Reception- In Maths been continuing to share out numbers equally, recognising odd and even numbers and introduced a part part whole model.
  • Nursery - In Maths we have been looking at the composition of the number 
  • Reception - In Drawing Club we read 'Je M'Habille et...Je te Croque'  which is a French book, the children found this very funny! From this we have draw and written about the wolf, his house, an aeroplane he went in to hide from the police. 
  • In our Mantle sessions this week, we were given a task from Mr McGregor of building a new fence and a scarecrow to protect his garden and his show winning pumpkin!
  • In PE we practiced catching beanbags, and throwing under arm. 

Reception: how you can help at home: 

  • practice making equal groups - e.g. sharing toys with teddies, sharing pasta into bowls
  • making double up to 5 - use toys or pasta to show this 
  • practice drawing shapes, counting how many sides and points they have
  • writing sentences, including capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
  • reading with your child 
  • practicing the words your child does at school each week

Nursery: how you can help at home: 
  • practicing letter formation and holding the pencil/pen correctly.
  • writing their name, not too big and only a capital letter for the first letter.
  • sounding words out so they oral blend them. e.g. 'c a t' - they say 'cat' or 'b a t' - they say bat  or touch you 'h e d' touch your 'l e g' touch your 'l i p' 
  • allowing your child to change themselves in the morning/for bed

  • Water bottles everyday
  • Suncream and hats please 
  • Please practice reading and works weekly with your child

Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine :)

Miss Lewis 


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