Week beginning 5th February

Week beginning 5th February 

This week despite the rain we have had a lovely week :) We have been busy in our Mantle sessions as we begin our work as Scientists on a secret dinosaur Island and will continue this next term. The children have enjoyed having free access to the art area which means they can pick what they want to create and what resources to use. 

If anyone has any phonics or badger books at home anywhere please can you bring them back to school. 

You may find that your child is bringing a phonics book that they have read before, this is because I have changed the reading groups. Please don't worry about this, even if they read a book they have read before it will help with fluency and their confidence. As when I have read with them this week, even if they have read the book before they still need to sound out some words so it is not too easy for them. 

On Monday we will be watching Emma (Seth's Mum) plant a tree in our area, the children are very excited about this!

This week we have been:

  • learning new sounds -  learning to read longer words like - 'kitten' 'hidden' 'bigger' 'letter' I have assessed the children with their phonics so will recap the taught sounds next week 
  • using counters on a tens frame to show one less and one more of a number 
  • exploring being scientists and starting our adventure on the island
We have now learnt all of the phase 2 and 3 sounds that the children will cover in Reception. We will now be beginning to use all of the taught sounds when reading words. Please keep practicing the sounds with your child at home to consolidate their learning.  

Please see the link below to hear how to say the sounds and the letter formations. 

Tricky word bookmarks 
Please let me know if your child needs a new tricky word bookmark by writing in their yellow book. 

Reception: how to help at home:
  • allowing your child to get dressed for school 
  • writing numbers
  • practicing phonics sounds 
  • writing words for them to read 
  • reading their phonics and badger book
  • please can I ask you to practice letter formation at home
  • in listening time this week we have been doing what is in the box looking at the sound m,  as well as exploring the new rhyme Incy Wincy Spider completing the actions and clapping the syllables and finding the odd one out. As well as recapping some of the sounds they have covered - s a t p i n m d 
  • counting out objects and knowing one more of a number
  • trying very hard with their letter formation, super work!
Here is a link to some of the nursery rhymes that they have been singing during listening time, please feel free to practice these at home https://www.littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk/resources/for-parents/

Nursery: how you can help at home: 
  • writing their name 
  • getting changed for school
  • counting objects or toys
  • writing numbers 
  • please can your child bring in a hat and gloves as the weather gets colder
  • PE kit is needed every Tuesday
  • Please try and arrive to school for 8:45 each morning the children are practicing their writing which is really beneficial 
  • water bottles 
Class 4 are going on PGL on the 18th March until the 22nd March and I will be joining Mrs Fairbrother on this trip. Therefore for that week Mrs Barnes will be teaching your children with Mrs Aindow, I will be planning lots of lovely activities for this week :)

Parents evening: 
At parents evening next week I will prepare a sheet that we will go through to talk about how well your child is getting on at school and what specific things we are working on. I look forward to catching up with you :)

I hope you all have a lovely weekend :)

Miss Lewis 


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