Week beginning 4th December
Week beginning 20.11.23
We have had a very busy 2 weeks in Class 1, especially as we get nearer to Christmas. We have some very excited children (and adults!) The children have been working on some lovely Christmas crafts that they will bring home in their Christmas box next Friday. The children have loved seeing what mischief our class elf gets up to in the mornings and lots of them are writing cards for him daily :)
I hope you enjoyed the Christmas open afternoon, the children loved seeing so many familiar faces in the audience.
Please make sure you have bought your child's costume in for Monday
Dress rehearsal - Monday 9:30am
Afternoon Performance - Tuesday 1:30pm - children will take their costume home
Evening Performance - Tuesday 6:oopm - Children to come in their costume at 5:50pm
This week we have been:
- consolidating all of the sounds we have learnt (36 of them!!) and have been practicing reading words with these sounds in
- making lots of Christmas crafts
- subitising 4 and 5
- writing an ingredients list for playdough
- encouraging your child to get changed for school
- writing numbers
- counting toys or anything at home (touch count)
- eye spy - e.g. I spy with my little eye something beginning with a
- reading their phonics and badger book
- in listening time this week we have been exploring the sounds s a t and have just introduced p, we have also been clapping out syllables in the rhyme the sailor went to sea sea sea
- counting out objects
- tracing over their name
- tracing over their name
- getting changed for school
- counting objects or toys
- reading stories
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