Week beginning 6th November

Week beginning 06.11.23

I seem to have missed a couple of blogs, I am sorry time just seems to run away! I hope you all had a lovely half term (seems like a distant memory doesn't it!) The children have settled back into school life and have been such a joy to teach. This next term always seems long as the days get darker and we seem to have a lot more to do, but we will have a brilliant time! This week the children have loved using some new resources, such as the light up boards to write on, the octos and the wooden blocks. It has been great to see their imagination through the use of these. 

Trainee Teachers

This week we have welcomed two trainee teachers into Class 1. Mr Tosh and Miss Gayle will be here for 3 weeks and the children have made them feel most welcome. They will be taking over some of the teaching with my guidance and planning some wonderful activities for the children. 


Class 1 and Class 2 are going to be working together again this year for the Nativity. Class 1 children will dressing up as sheep! We have began practicing some songs which they will probably start to sing at home. I would like to encourage more authentic sheep costumes and at school we can always make some headbands for them to wear.

This week we have been:

  • learning new sounds in phonics and remembering the previous ones - s a t p i n m d g o c k ck e u r b h f l ss ff ll j v w x y
  • enjoying drawing club, that is based on a book/tale/clip and the children draw something from it. For example this week we read the tale 'The Gingerbread Man' on Monday we drew the Gingerbread man, on Tuesday we drew the river, on Wednesday we drew Mr Smelly Man that the old lady baked and on Thursday we drew what we turned into when he touched us. It has been brilliant to see the children expand their imagination and mark making.
  • practicing letter formation of new sounds 
  • beginning to write some cvc words - e.g. mum, kid, red
  • learning about Diwali 
  • learning about Remembrance Day 
  • subitising numbers up to 5 
Phonics: we follow the Little Wandle phonics scheme which have a link for parents to access so you can see and hear the sounds that they are learning at the moment. The link is https://www.littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk/resources/for-parents/ 

The above link shows the letters and on the last column has the formation phrase to help them write the sounds :)

Reception: how to help at home:
  • encouraging your child to get changed for school
  • name writing with the correct formation 
  • writing numbers
  • counting toys or anything at home (touch count)
  • eye spy - e.g. I spy with my little eye something beginning with a 
  • reading their phonics and badger book


This week nursery children have been
  • enjoying listening time
  • counting out objects 
  • tracing over their name 
Here is a link to some of the nursery rhymes that they have been singing during listening time, please feel free to practice these at home https://www.littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk/resources/for-parents/

Nursery: how you can help at home: 
  • tracing over their name
  • getting changed for school
  • counting objects or toys
  • reading stories

Next week: 
  • Anti-Bullying week - children can wear odd socks on Monday
  • Feel good Friday - wear something that makes you feel good 
Water bottles in school
All clothing labelled 
Please check tapestry to see your child's learning and feel free to share pictures and videos from home 

If you have any questions or worries please let me know. 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend :)

Miss Lewis 


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