Week beginning 20.11.23

 Week beginning 20.11.23

What a busy week we have had!! On Tuesday we had the pleasure of watching the Strings Recital, I was amazed with how well we sat through it, The children did a brilliant job of watching, asking questions, answering questions and at the end of the leader came to me and said that she amazed by how well Class 1 sat and that they were a credit to me! I am so proud of them all!! :) We have been busy this week exploring habitats, finding out what birds need to eat and how to handle them after their homes were destroyed in the storm! We have been practicing ours songs for the Nativity this week and they are really starting to get to grips with all the words. 

Trainee Teachers

This week was our last week with Mr Tosh and Miss Gale, the children have loved having more adults to spend time with. I think they might be a bit disappointment to see only Mrs Aindow and I next week ;)


Class 1 and Class 2 are going to be working together again this year for the Nativity. Class 1 children will dressing up as sheep! We have began practicing some songs which they will probably start to sing at home. We have made some sheep head bands with ears on for the children to wear in the play, if they want to. These will stay at school and they children can wear them or wear their own from home. The children have been talking about their outfits and are very excited! 

This week we have been:

  • learning new digraphs in phonics these are: ch sh ng nk
  • exploring habitats with Miss Gale.
  •  consolidating our knowledge of shapes and how to sort them into groups, such as 3 sides shapes, 4 siders shapes, by colours and by size. 
  • writing cvc words in our English books 
We are now learning Autumn 2 sounds and have now learnt them all! We are now working on making sure we know all the sounds we have learnt and learning to read the words with 's' on the end, such as cats, naps, zaps etc. 

Please see the link below to hear how to say the sounds and the letter formations. 

Tricky word bookmarks 
To help children remember some of the tricky words we have been learning in Phonics I have made some bookmarks for the children to keep at home to practice. In time I will see how well they can recognise these words and then will give them the next bookmark. To assess how well they know them I will write them down for them to then read without using Phonics. The children all know that tricky words are tricky because you cannot always sound them out, I am sure they have told you that already!

Reception: how to help at home:
  • encouraging your child to get changed for school
  • name writing with the correct formation 
  • writing numbers
  • counting toys or anything at home (touch count)
  • eye spy - e.g. I spy with my little eye something beginning with a 
  • reading their phonics and badger book

This week nursery children have been
  • enjoying listening time - we are beginning to slowly start learning sounds, we have learnt 's' and 'a' so far. We alternate listening time with a sound and then rhyme time, this week it has been baa baa black sheep song and activities.
  • counting out objects 
  • tracing over their name 
Here is a link to some of the nursery rhymes that they have been singing during listening time, please feel free to practice these at home https://www.littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk/resources/for-parents/

Nursery: how you can help at home: 
  • tracing over their name
  • getting changed for school
  • counting objects or toys
  • reading stories

If you have any questions or worries please let me know. 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend :)

Miss Lewis 


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