Week Beginning 13.11.23
Week beginning 13.11.23
I hope you all had a lovely week, we certainly did in Class 1 :) We have been very busy in out Mantle sessions, the children are now Park Keepers and we are working together to fix the park after a terrible storm, at the moment we are trying to find a new home for lots of birds after their tree was knocked down!
Trainee Teachers
Mr Tosh and Miss Gayle have been enjoying their time in Class 1 and the children have loved having them here! They will be taking over some of the teaching with my guidance and planning some wonderful activities for the children.
Class 1 and Class 2 are going to be working together again this year for the Nativity. Class 1 children will dressing up as sheep! We have began practicing some songs which they will probably start to sing at home. We are going to make some sheep head bands with ears on for the children to wear in the play, if they want to.
This week we have been:
- learning new sounds in phonics these are: y z ch qu
- digraphs - where the sound has two letters but one sound (we know ss, ll, zz, qu, ch so far)
- retelling the stories The Gingerbread Man and We are Going on a Bear Hunt with Mr Tosh and Miss Gale.
- exploring some shapes, specifically circles and triangles, talking about how many sides they have, how many vertices etc.
- writing cvc words in our English books - zip sock had
- subitising numbers up to 5
- encouraging your child to get changed for school
- name writing with the correct formation
- writing numbers
- counting toys or anything at home (touch count)
- eye spy - e.g. I spy with my little eye something beginning with a
- reading their phonics and badger book
- enjoying listening time - we are beginning to slowly start learning sounds, we have learnt 's' so far
- counting out objects
- tracing over their name
- tracing over their name
- getting changed for school
- counting objects or toys
- reading stories
- Strings recital - Tuesday Morning - at school
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