Week Beginning 20.03.23
Happy Friday :) one more week to go, although Class 1 do have a lot of energy and enthuasiam I think they are ready for a rest.
I hope you all have had a lovely week, we have had a fun week in class 1.
This week our learning has still been based around 'Farmer Duck'. The children really enjoyed this story, and it was great to see them retell the story during the independent learning. The children have enjoyed drawing and painting scenes from the story too. Class 1 have thoroughly enjoyed our new outdoor equipment and we have spent a lot of time out there this week. Next week we are going to have a go at tidying up our outdoor area and planting some seeds.
This Friday - we are collecting all reading books in to complete an audit, therefore your child will not have a reading book until the 31st March but they will have opportunities to read at school.
Some things we have enjoyed this week are:
- writing for different purposes, maps have been a popular choice this week as well as writing instructions
- completing any sort of writing by lunchtime and putting it in the special writing box. The children have worked really hard with this and it is a great opportunity for them to use their taught phonics
- in maths we have been continuing to exploring 3D shapes, and talking about the faces edges and vertices of them. The children have enjoyed finding different 3D shapes in our provision and telling the adults some facts abotu them. We have also been practicing counting backwards to 20, we have mastered 10 - 0 but need a bit more practice of 20 -10 bonds to 10.
- playing dodgeball in PE
- making toast and writing instructions on how to make it
boat coat moat soak
- touch counting up to 20 and back down
- ways to make 5 and 10
- recognising numbers and writing them
- counting down from 20
- one more and one less than a number - talk about more means the number gets bigger and less means that the number gets smaller
- talk about different shapes at home and when out and about including the names of them
- read with your child(ren) 3 times a week minimum, getting your child(ren) to point to the words as they read, answering the questions at the back of the book
- please write in their yellow book when they have read their reading book twice so that I can read it with them and then change it as by this point they should be reading that book fluently
- sounding out words with robot arms
- practice their words
- practice letter formation - see video on tapesty
- please can you write in the reading records so we know if your child(ren) have read at home, when I am reading with the children I am looking for them to be able to read the book fluently. Of course they can still sound out the words but if they sounding out all of the sentence "Nok went to the shop" I would like them to repeat the sentence back without sounding out.
- please write in their reading books twice for each book so I know they have read it
- please can children bring in wellies to school so they can wear these in the mud
- please check tapestry to follow along with your child's learning
- snacks from home - please can these be fruit or veg of some sort (or healthy bars in necessary)
- train tracks
- lego
- wooden blocks
- wellies
- wooden food
- small people
- prams
- bark
- soil
- pots and pans
- buckets
- decking planks
- crates
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