Week Beginning 13.03.23
Happy Friday :)
I hope you all have had a lovely week, we have had a fun week in class 1.
This week our learning has still been based around 'Pig in the Pond'. The children have particularly enjoying drawing pictures of the different animals in the story, we have been focusing on taking our time with our drawings and adding more detail. Our new outdoor equipment has now been finished and will be ready to use on Monday - not sure who is more excited!
Next Friday - we are collecting all reading books in to complete an audit so your child will not have a reading book for that weekend but will have one for the holiday.
Some things we have enjoyed this week are:
- our new writing area where we have access to lots of different materials to write on and we can pick what purpose we are writing for. For example, lists, stories, labels etc. It has been great to see the children independently writing.
- completing any sort of writing by lunchtime and putting it in the special writing box. The children have worked really hard with this. We have had lots of different writing such as, stories, treasure maps, cards etc.
- in maths we have been continuing to explore number bonds to 10. We used double sided counters and the children took it in turns throwing them and seeing how many red/yellow ones we had. This was also a great way to practice subitising.
- using the apparatus in PE
- observational paintings of tulips
- making laptops in the junk modelling area to use in our teacher role play
This week we have been reviewing the sounds ai, ur, or, oo (short one) It would be great if Reception could practice these at home. You could write a few down and hide them for them to find them. You could also do this with some words with these sounds in. Hide them around the room, or sound them out and the children can write them.
Some examples of words with these sounds:
rain main strain pain
surf fur pur turn curl
surf fur pur turn curl
corn torn thorn worn
book cook took look
Ways to help at home:
- touch counting up to 20
- ways to make 5 and 10
- recognising numbers and writing them
- counting down from 20
- one more and one less than a number - talk about more means the number gets bigger and less means that the number gets smaller
- talk about different shapes at home and when out and about
- read with your child(ren) 3 times a week minimum, getting your child(ren) to point to the words as they read, answering the questions at the back of the book
- please write in their yellow book when they have read their reading book twice so that I can read it with them and then change it as by this point they should be reading that book fluently
- sounding out words with robot arms
- practice their words
- practice letter formation
Phonics -
Below, is a link to a youtube video of the pure sounds, we have learnt up to ure. The video shows more, but there is no harm in the children seeing these as we will be moving onto soon.
A few reminders:
- please can you write in the reading records so we know if your child(ren) have read at home, when I am reading with the children I am looking for them to be able to read the book fluently. Of course they can still sound out the words but if they sounding out all of the sentence "Nok went to the shop" I would like them to repeat the sentence back without sounding out.
- please write in their reading books twice for each book so I know they have read it
- please can children bring in wellies to school so they can wear these in the mud
- please check tapestry to follow along with your child's learning
- snacks from home - please can these be fruit or veg of some sort (or healthy bars in necessary)
Nursery -
Nursery children have been enjoying their daily phonics sessions with Miss G where they are focusing on rhyming and listening games. They have been focusing on how to sit and listen and engage in their learning time in the hall and are trying hard to be the best listener. They also practice writing their name. Nursery children have also been enjoying their Maths sessions with Mrs Overton-Arch were they are practicing their touch counting up to 10. They have been singing different counting songs and using props to help them too. They have also been learning to recognise numerals and beginning to subitise numbers up to 5.
If you could practice name writing and drawing with your child that would be fantastic :)
Please can we ask that you child's bag has spare clothes including socks in case they get dirty and that they bring a water bottle with them every session, thank you.
There are a few things that we are short of at school, if you have any of these or maybe you will in the future please keep us in mind :)
- train tracks
- lego
- wooden blocks
- wellies
- wooden food
- small people
- prams
outdoor donations:
- bark
- soil
- pots and pans
- buckets
- decking planks
- crates
Have a lovely weekend :)
Miss Lewis
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