Week beginning 06.02.23

This week our learning has continued to be based around 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. The children have enjoyed the provision that has been based around this this, such as making caterpillars out of different materials, making their own life cycles of a butterfly and completing some amazing independent writing.

Some things we have enjoyed this week are:

  • exploring the mud kitchen - sorry about muddy clothes, we do try and remind children to wear the mud suits and put their wellies on ;) 
  • exploring time, seeing how many things we can do in a minute, e.g. writing our name, jumping, starjumps
  • looking at photos from when we were younger and talking about what we were doing at that age
  • building obstacle courses outside and risk taking by balancing the blanks on the tree stumps and jumping off!
  • using our phonics knowledge in our writing 

This week we have been reviewing some of the sounds that we have already learnt. I will be sending the children home with the sound mats that we have learnt so far with a letter to say the sounds to work on. I would appreciate it if you could practice this at home.  

Ways to help at home:
  • read with your child(ren) 3 times a week minimum
  • please encourage your child(ren) to point to the sounds/words as they read as this will help with their fluency
  • please write in their yellow book when they have read their reading book twice so that I can read it with them and then change it as by this point they should be reading that book fluently
  • touch counting up to 20
  • one more and one less than a number
  • recognising numbers and writing them 
  • as you are at home and out and about talk about sounds you can see (e.g. I spy something with my little eye something sounding with c)
  • sounding out words with robot arms
  • picking words from their reading book for them to write, slowly sounding out the word for children to hear and write the sounds
  • practice their words 
  • practice letter formation 
  • talk about different shapes at home and when out and about 
  • please practice the sounds that I am sending home 

Phonics - 
Below, is a link to a youtube video of the pure sounds, we have learnt up to ure. The video shows more, but there is no harm in the children seeing these as we will be moving onto soon.

A few reminders: 
  • please can you write in the reading records so we know if your child(ren) have read at home, when I am reading with the children I am looking for them to be able to read the book fluently. Of course they can still sound out the words but if they sounding out all of the sentence "Nok went to the shop" I would like them to repeat the sentence back without sounding out.
  • please can children bring in wellies to school so they can wear these in the mud 
  • please check tapestry to follow along with your child's learning 
Nursery - 

Nursery children have been enjoying their daily phonics sessions with Miss G where they are focusing on syllables, they have been working hard to clap the syllables in their names and their favourite drinks. They have also continued to practice recognising and writing their name. Nursery children have also been enjoying counting through songs using props to help them too as well as recognising numerals and beginning to subitise. 

Have a lovely half term and I will see you all on the 20th :)

Miss Lewis 


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