December blog

December blog 

Wow - what a busy December we have had! Sorry for the lack of blogs, time seems to have flown by. 

Here is a summary to what we have been learning about 

  • we have been reviewing all the sounds we have learnt since September, it has been great to see the progress. 
  • our topic was celebrations and we explored Diwali, Birthdays, World Cup and Christmas 
  • consolidating our number bonds to 5 
  • exploring the part part whole model and using it to find ways to make a number 
  • exploring shapes, knowing how many sides they have and how many vertices 
  • continuing to complete our challenges that are set out on the tables and getting house points 
  • looking at pictures and writing the initial sound we can hear, using our taught phonics
  • reading with adults
  • starting to independently use our taught phonics to write in a range of ways
  • practicing for our nativity 
  • creating lots of lovely Christmas artwork 
  • playing outside 
Ways to help at home:
  • read with your child(ren) 3 times a week minimum
  • touch counting 
  • one more and one less than a number
  • recognising numbers and writing them 
  • practice phonics, and blending sounds together
  • picking words from their reading book for them to write, slowly sounding out the word for children to hear and write the sounds
  • practice their words 
  • practice letter formation 

Phonics - 
Below, is a link to a youtube video of the pure sounds, we have learnt up to oa. The video shows more, but there is no harm in the children seeing these as we will be moving onto them next term. 


This term nursery children have been
  • exploring phase 1 phonics - playing a game  with instruments each day focusing on what they can hear 
  • practicing recognising and writing our names 
  • finding shapes in our environment 
  • practicing cutting 
  • counting and touch counting 
  • building towers and making patterns with them
  • learning to use timers to share toys
  • working collaboratively to play games 
  • exploring the outside area
  • joining in reception maths lessons 
Here is a good guessing the sound video from youtube:

A few reminders: 
  • please can you write in the reading records so we know if your child(ren) have read at home, I would like children to read a book at least twice to aid their comprehension 
  • please let us know if the book it too easy/hard for your child, we want to instill a love of reading and therefore the correct book match is important 
  • please watch the phonics videos if you can with your child(ren) - feel free to share photos/videos with me on tapestry 
I hope you all have a lovely Christmas with your loved ones. 

I have thoroughly enjoyed my first term in Class 1, here is to the next one!

Miss Lewis 


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