Week beginning 30.04.24

Week beginning 30th April

Another busy week here at school! The children were amazing yet again for our visitor and loved speaking to her and showing her around our classroom and garden. 

I hope you all have a lovely bank holiday weekend - hoping for some sunshine! 

The children are now counting down the days until our trip, they are very excited and ask me daily 'Miss Lewis are we going to the Zoo today'

This week we have been: 

  • In Phonics we been focusing on reading longer words, and practicing writing these every day too
  • New tricky words in Phonics have been: were here little and says
  • Nursery Listening time: blend from the box, new sound 'b', recapping taught sounds, clapping out syllables, catching bubbles outside whilst practicing 'b' words. 
  • Reception- In Maths we have been continuing to focus on teen numbers. We have been using numicon to make teen numbers, by holding up a ten numicon and then another number. They are getting good at telling me which two numbers make each teen number. We have also been ordering the numicon, seeing how fast we can put it in order. 
  • Nursery - In Maths we have been focusing on circles and triangles, knowing how many sides and points they have. 
  • Reception - In Drawing Club we have read Billy Goats Gruff which they children have loved! From this we have drawn the troll, the bridge, something to rescue the troll,  
  • We have been on a mini-beast hunt and even found a ladybird laying eggs on the tree!

Reception: how you can help at home: 

  • practicing number bonds to 5 and 10
  • writing sentences, including capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
  • reading with your child 
  • practicing the words your child does at school each week
  • allowing your child to change themselves in the morning/for bed

Nursery: how you can help at home: 
  • practicing letter formation and holding the pencil/pen correctly.
  • sounding words out so they oral blend them. e.g. 'c a t' - they say 'cat' or 'b a t' - they say bat  
  • allowing your child to change themselves in the morning/for bed
  • PE kit for Tuesdays
  • Water bottles everyday
  • Apply sun cream at home and bring your child in with a sunhat. 
Missing books:
  • Lots of Crabs x1
Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Lewis 


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