Week beginning 08.01.24

Week beginning 8th January 

Happy new year! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, the children have loved sharing their special memories with each other. I cannot believe we are heading into our third term together, time seems to be flying by! The children have settled back into school life and I have loved their enthusiasm. 

This week we have been:

  • learning new sounds - ai ee igh oa - I have uploaded videos of the children onto tapestry to show their phonics knowledge and their next steps
  • exploring our new topic of Dinosaurs 
  • recgonising the number 0 and using language like "I can see zero" "this is zero because [there are none left]" 
  • creating lots of dinosaur art 
This week we have learnt the new sounds ai ee igh oa, as we learn trickier words please can I ask that you help your child by practicing these at home. They are all doing really well but do sometimes need reminding to use their sounds when reading new words. 

Please see the link below to hear how to say the sounds and the letter formations. 

Tricky word bookmarks 
Please let me know if your child needs a new tricky word bookmark by writing in their yellow book. 

Reception: how to help at home:
  • allowing your child to get dressed for school 
  • writing numbers
  • practicing phonics sounds 
  • writing words for them to read 
  • reading their phonics and badger book
  • in listening time this week we have been doing what is in the box, we introduced Bertha the bus is going to the zoo (book), we have been learning about syllables and counting out syllables in words, we have exploring the rhyme down at the station and finding the odd one out of the picture cards. 
  • counting out objects 
  • recgonising letters that are in their name
  • writing letters 
Here is a link to some of the nursery rhymes that they have been singing during listening time, please feel free to practice these at home https://www.littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk/resources/for-parents/

Nursery: how you can help at home: 
  • tracing over their name
  • getting changed for school
  • counting objects or toys
  • reading stories

  • please can your child bring in a hat and gloves as the weather gets colder
  • PE kit is needed every Tuesday
  • Please try and arrive to school for 8:45 each morning the children are practicing their writing which is really beneficial 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend :)

Miss Lewis 


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