Week beginning 31.10.22

 Week beginning 31.10.22

I hope you all had a wonderful break, the children told me all what they got up too :) 

This week we have been 

  • learning knew sounds - j v w x 
  • consolidating our number bonds of 5 
  • using our new rolling snack table - children have access to this whenever they want, if they have milk they need to put their names lolly stick in the cup when they have had their milk
  • trying hard to complete our challenges that are set out on the tables and getting house points 
  • practicing cutting 
  • reading with adults
Ways to help at home:
  • read with your child(ren) 3 times a week minimum
  • touch counting 
  • recognising numbers and writing them 
  • practice phonics, and blending sounds together


This week nursery children have been
  • exploring phase 1 phonics - playing a game each day focusing on what they can hear 
  • using our new rolling snack table - children have access to this whenever they want, if they have milk they need to put their names lolly stick in the cup when they have had their milk
  • lots of stories 
  • practicing cutting 
  • counting and touch counting 

A few reminders: 
  • please can you write in the reading records so we know if your child(ren) have read at home
  • please let us know if the book it too easy/hard for your child, we want to instill a love of reading and therefore the correct book match is important 
  • please watch the phonics videos if you can with your child(ren) - feel free to share photos/videos with me on tapestry 
I hope you all had a lovely weekend :)

Miss Lewis 


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