Week beginning 29.01.24
Week beginning 29th January
This week the children have been very busy, being creative in the small world area making, painting fossils, painting, making AB and ABB patterns, creating their own junk modelling - the list goes on! The children are getting very good at completing their writing job for the writing box and are starting to do this more independently which is fantastic!
If anyone has any phonics or badger books at home anywhere please can you bring them back to school.
You may find that your child is bringing a phonics book that they have read before, this is because I have changed the reading groups. Please don't worry about this, even if they read a book they have read before it will help with fluency and their confidence. As when I have read with them this week, even if they have read the book before they still need to sound out some words so it is not too easy for them.
This week we have been:
- learning new sounds - air and er as well as learning to read longer words like - 'kitten' 'hidden' 'bigger' 'letter'
- continuing to know one more than a number and using counters on a tens frame to show this
- creating our own AB ABB ABC patterns
- allowing your child to get dressed for school
- writing numbers
- practicing phonics sounds
- writing words for them to read
- reading their phonics and badger book
- please can I ask you to practice letter formation at home
- in listening time this week we have been doing what is in the box looking at the sound m, as well as exploring the new rhyme Humpty Dumpty, completing the actions and clapping the syllables and finding the odd one out. As well as recapping some of the sounds they have covered - satpin
- counting out objects and knowing one more of a number
- writing their names and trying VERY hard with their formation - super work!
- writing their name
- getting changed for school
- counting objects or toys
- writing numbers
- please can your child bring in a hat and gloves as the weather gets colder
- PE kit is needed every Tuesday
- Please try and arrive to school for 8:45 each morning the children are practicing their writing which is really beneficial
- water bottles
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