Weekly Blog Summer 2


Welcome to Summer 2! We only have 6 weeks to go, where has that gone? 

This term we are on a Journey with Julia Donaldson, last week and this week we have focused our learning around my favourite book, The Gruffalo. The children have done some amazing paintings and writing based on this. 

Last weeks highlights:
-Our visit to Little Houghton House, especially seeing the helicopter!
-PE with Mr Roberts
-Enjoying the Gruffalo Cafe in the classroom

This week we are continuing with the Gruffalo and are focusing on describing the different characters within the story. Children know that they have to complete any form of writing each day, it has been great to see the different things they come up with (maps/recipes/lists/stories)

Maths this term: 
We are focusing on doubling, sharing and grouping (Even and Odd), spatial reasoning, patterns, numbers bonds, adding and taking away

Literacy this term:
writing sentences with taught phonics, reading books with sentences, matched to their phonics knowledge, forming letters correctly

Useful links:
-A link to the Little Wandle Parents areas of their website: https://www.littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk/resources/for-parents/
-A link to the documents that say how to say  the sounds: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xZiGMg6uHcVR73fzrXOpv5R8XRsWVfiK

This Thursday is the new parent meeting at 6pm. This is just for adults so if possible please arrange childcare. 

being prepared for September:
-Dress and undress themselves (within reason)
- Use the toilet independently and ask to go there
- Recognise their own name 
- Handle a pencil
- Sing some nursery rhymes
- Practise counting to 10 

-Please can children come to school in suncream (and have some in their bag if you can)
-Please can children come to school with a hat
-Please read with your child and write it in their book so we know we can change it

As ever, thank you for your support. 

Take care, 

Miss Lewis 


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