Week Beginning 19.06.23
I hope you have all had a good week. We have had a warm and busy week in Class 1 :)
This week we have been exploring the story 'Zog' The children have enjoyed writing about the story, drawing dragons, making castles for the Princess and lots more. We are super excited for our trip to the theatre next Friday!
We have seen some amazing independent writing this week. I love how all the children now want to write and are so proud to show it to the adults, that is what is it all about!
Maths this week:
This week we have been recognising how many numbers have been added to some objects and saying the number sentence. For example, I had 6 bears, I covered them up and added more, the children had to quickly count or subitise them and tell me how many I had added. We have also been consolidating our number bonds to 5 and 10.
This to work on at home:
-writing first and last name together - this is something Mrs Simpson would like them to be able to do easily in Class 2.
-recognising tricky words easily - a the we she he they be do go of for
-letter formation - letters the right way round
- comprehension when reading at home, ask children questions about their story so we know that they are taking in what they are reading
Useful links:
-A link to the Little Wandle Parents areas of their website: https://www.littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk/resources/for-parents/
-A link to the documents that say how to say the sounds: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xZiGMg6uHcVR73fzrXOpv5R8XRsWVfiK
This week the children have been showing brilliant maths skills and I am blown away with how much they have learnt! We have been pracitcing name writing most days, with all of them now easily recognising their name. We have also been practicing using scissors and cutting which they are showing great perseverance with.
being prepared for September:
-Dress and undress themselves (within reason)
- Use the toilet independently and ask to go there
- Recognise their own name - and writing it
- Handle a pencil
- Sing some nursery rhymes
- Practise counting to 20
-Please can children come to school in suncream (and have some in their bag if you can)
-Please can children come to school with a hat
-Please read with your child and write it in their book so we know we can change it
- Water bottles
Teddy Bear Picnic - The children have decided that their treat for filling up our marble jar is to have a Teddy Bear Picnic. This will be on the 7th July (morning), and we are inviting Little Houghton Day Nursery (pre school) to come up and join us too. Please can the children bring in a teddy (or any soft toy does not need to be a teddy) for this. We will be making some biscuits in school for the children to eat too.
As ever, thank you for your support.
Take care,
Miss Lewis
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