Week Beginning 20.02.23
Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely half term, the children have enjoyed sharing all the different things they got up too! This week our learning has been based around 'Owl Babies'. The children have enjoyed the provision that has been based around this this, such as writing how the babies were feeling, painting owls, and lots more! We worked as a class to label parts of a flower, the children impressed me with their knowledge of petal/stem/leaf/roots. Some things we have enjoyed this week are: Shove Tuesday - pancake races, pancake cafe, ingrediants list for pancakes, cutting up fruit, decorating their pancake and of course, eating it! in maths we have been representing different numbers on the tens frames using two colours. So I would put 4 red counters on and 4 yellow counters on, the children would successfully put 8 counters on and would be able to say "i see 4 red and 4 yellow together there is 8" and one more and one less than a number writing messages ...