Check in Blog
Hello, Firstly, I am so sorry for not keeping up with the blogs this term. It seems as though I have blinked and we are nearly at the end of term! We have had a wonderful term so far and are particularly looking forward to our trip this week. We have had a lovely few weeks, especially with the Coronation, the children loved exploring this in our provision and they all blew me away with their performance in the hall. This term so far we have been consolidating our phonics sounds and practicing reading lots of different words with them in. It has been great to see children using their phonics knowledge within their writing. Please keep up the great work that you are doing with their reading at home, you can really see the impact it has when they read at home. We have also been consolidating our number bonds of 5 and 10 and it is great to see children recall these. Trip: children to wear school jumper and joggers/leggings and trainers/wellies apply...